Connection Between Richness & Happiness – Are They Synonymous? – by Noor Rahim Richness is a much valued and sought after ambition or aim in a person’s life; no doubt. Some inherit and yet others emulate and achieve; but the basic “Richness & Associated Happiness” is ingrained in you at the time of Birth. Bubbling with Joy and conveying such “Richness in Happiness” to the Parents; Families and their close associates, is what it is.  As a person gets older and grows up in this materialistic World; the quest for “materialistic objectives” comes to the fore in a vast majority of the folks. After all many take on the notion that “wealth brings happiness”. If a person believes in this notion it is best that they dig into their inner self and judge for themselves; if “wealth really brings happiness”. To balance this equation one must also think of “Richness” ...

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