Venous cerebral blood clots after vaccinations- post AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and other brands-by Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Transcript: “As the vaccine to protect against COVID-19 continues to roll out to more and more people, there is bound to be more and more side effects. Today, we are discussing the most dreaded side effect, i.e., Cerebral Venous Thrombosis (CVT)” Great concern of the people today is to have the COVID-19 vaccine against COVID-19 or not, and that is the question. Because of this situation the hesitancy rates seem increasing, and the anticipated herd immunity may be prolonged for at least another 4 years. Recently, it has been discovered a few people have got brain blood clots within 14 days of having the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, among the ages less than 60. ...

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