BENANIAH (God Made) – by Lakshman Navaratne (If you prefer listening to the message; please log on to We Gentiles, who are Drafted and Grafted to the tree of life, living on earth today, shall always be with the Lord feeding with the sap of Grace from the Cross, hidden in his “Word” and Resting in the shadow of the Almighty. This is the assurance from the Apostles of Christ who were martyred for “His Name”. [A]  Our salvation is a free gift from eternity; so, if we want to be a part of his kingdom, we must be working with him for the final Crown, in spite of the ridicule from the faithless around us. The 40 human writers who wrote the scripture, obeyed the Voice of the Almighty and penned the content as heard into their hearts. So, we may be reading the translated versions of the ...

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