Gas Maaru Pethi Choru by Capt. Elmo Jayawardena When I was a kid, (which was a very long time ago), I grew up in the serenity of an old style Moratuwa. The western border of the town was the beautiful beach and the eastern, the picture-perfect Bolgoda that emptied to the sea from the southern extreme that demarcated Panadura. To the North was the Ratmalana International Airport where one could hear the whine of big propeller engines as they revved up to take off to faraway places, mind you, intercontinental, their tails painted in brilliant colours depicting the then giants of aviation, KLM, BOAC and TWA.             As for Moratuwa the biggest event the town enjoyed was the “big match” in March, “Battle of the Golds”. Then there was a gentlemen’s election crusade between the Fernando opponents, Merril and Ruskin, vying for a place as to who should represent us ...

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