Reminiscing – by Charmaine Candappa I used to have a difficult time with my birthday. As a child, I found birthdays full of fun and excitement. During my childhood and growing up years, my neighbor and childhood friend Rai who is the same age as me, celebrates her birthday in May, and mine in July. Rai always had a bunch of kids, come over on her birthday each year where there was fun and games. Musical chairs were the highlight of the early evening. There were prizes to be won, a doll, a box of candy, and if we were lucky, an Enid Blyton’s story book. As the youngest of six in my family. I was an uncomfortable child growing up, with four brothers, and a sister ten years older than me. Also I was happy to have an outgoing friend as my neighbor who pulled me around her world. My friend ...
Jul 21, 2023
Articles, Charmaine Candappa
Tagged Birth day Reminiscing, Birthday, Charmaine Candappa