Why do doctors recommend taking magnesium daily? – By Dr harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com Transcript: Magnesium is important for many processes in the body. It is needed for muscles and nerves to work correctly, to keep blood sugar and blood pressure at the right level, and to make protein, bone, and DNA. Low magnesium levels over time can lead to low calcium and potassium levels. “Like all nutrients in the body, there is an ideal range, and too much magnesium can harm yourbbody. High magnesium levels can cause muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, breathlessness, and even death. So, you must be careful and discuss with your doctor before badding more magnesium to your diet.” — Dr. Naomi Jean-Baptiste Magnesium appears to help manage blood sugar levels among people with diabetes. Also, those who tend to consume less magnesium typically have poorer blood sugar regulation and a higher risk of ...

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