The butterfly pea plant ( Clitoria ternatea ) (නිල් කටරොළු ) – By Malsha – eLanka  Clitoria ternatea, commonly known as butterfly pea or blue pea vine, is a plant species in the Fabaceae family. It is native to South-East Asia and is found in countries such as India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The plant is named after the shape of its flowers, which are reminiscent of a butterfly. The butterfly pea plant is a perennial vine that can climb and spread, and it is known for its attractive blue flowers. The flowers are vibrant blue in color and have a unique shape with a standard petal that resembles the body of a butterfly and two smaller lobes that resemble the butterfly’s wings. Additionally, there are white and pink varieties of this plant. Apart from its ornamental value, Clitoria ternatea is also known for its various uses and benefits: ...

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