This bulletin focuses on managing type 2 diabetes and was created for Sri Lankans worldwide. – By Dr Harold Gunatillake It is written by Dr Harold Gunatillake-OAM, who holds FRCS, FICS, FIACS, AM(Sing), and MBBS(Cey) qualifications. Concept of proper management with lifestyle modifications Individuals with Type 2 diabetes who take anti-diabetic medication may experience decreased insulin sensitivity. This can make beta cells more resistant and is an essential factor to consider when managing the condition. While many people find it sufficient to take their medication as prescribed, maintain a low glycemic index diet, and monitor their HbA1c levels every 3-6 months to keep their levels below 7.2, this approach doesn’t encourage the pancreas to produce insulin that can resist stress. Instead, the medication prescribed controls their blood sugar levels and makes insulin-producing Islet cells in the pancreas less active. This situation is worse for those who take insulin ...

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