Why Dogs Are the Best Friends Humans Could Ever Have – By Nadeeka – eLanka For centuries, dogs have held a special place in human society, earning the title of “man’s best friend.” This unique bond goes beyond mere companionship, offering emotional, physical, and psychological benefits that enrich our lives in profound ways. But what makes dogs so perfectly suited to be our best friends? Here’s a look at why dogs are such cherished members of our lives. 1. Unconditional Love and Loyalty Dogs have an innate ability to love their owners unconditionally. No matter what kind of day you’ve had, whether you’re happy, sad, or stressed, a dog’s affection remains constant. Their loyalty is unwavering; they form deep attachments to their human companions and are often willing to put themselves in danger to protect them. This steadfast devotion is a source of comfort and reassurance, making dogs unparalleled in ...

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“A DOG’S LIFE” – THE PRIVILEGED DOGS OF THE LATE QUEEN – By Des Kelly Sadly, many people around the World today lead what is termed ‘a dog’s life’, barely able to find something to eat, diggimg into dust-bins in order to do so, ragged & torn clothing on their backs, no matter what the weather, no-one to help them when they are sick, being laid in the so-called ‘pauper’s grave’ at the end, and, sadder also is the fact that this happens to most dogs as well. I am unsure about the percentages, but would think that it is in the higher bracket of ubfortunate happenings. This, already being my saddest introduction to a story in 2023, let us now delve into quite the opposite, with this video from Christopher Lawton, OAM, which proves that ‘certain dogs’ have been, are now, and forever will be, some of the luckiest ...

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“COMRADES IN ARMS”    – By Des Kelly There are dozens of stories about them, various animals and even birds like pigeons who have been these loyal “Comrades-in-Arms”, giving invaluable aid to their Masters & Mistresses, both in Peacetime & War. Going back, into history, horses come to mind. Hundreds of then fighting together with their masters riding them, in battles lasting for hours, dying with them, if beaten, loyal o the very end. Little trained pigeons, carrying messages for their carers, for kilometres, and sometimes being shot, for their trouble, and of course, Man’s best friends, dogs, of all shapes and sizes, doing what was necessary to protect their human mates, even to the death, if need be.             These, then, are some of the Comrades-in Arms that  this story is about. Read it carefully my friends, and even if you are not an animal ...

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