Eating high fibre food is good for you – by Dr Harold Gunatillake Fibre or roughage comes from unprocessed plant foods. Meat and fish have no fibre, but mainly found in vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes and whole grain foods. They have protective benefits against a range of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease. Diabetes, obesity, constipation and diverticular disease. ...

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  Vitamin C needs of our bodies Cats, dogs, elephants and many other animals can make their own vitamin C in their bodies from glucose. Humans haven’t got or have lost the enzymes required for the manufacture and need to get it from the foods. We do have the gene used by animals to make vitamin C from glucose called GULOP, but we do not have the mechanism in our DNA to make it. Our bodies need 90 milligrams of vitamin C for men and 75 milligrams for women. Some of the foods we eat have sufficient vitamin C for our daily requirement. Our hot chillies we enjoy in our curries have over 100 mg of vitamin C in half a cup, and the hotness increases your metabolic rate. To slim you must eat plenty of red chillies in your curries. In Chinese cuisine they use lot of cut red ...

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Why should diabetics eat only Basmati rice? – by Dr Harold Gunatillake Basmati polished or wholegrain rice is recommended for diabetics to eat if you are a determined rice eater. Basmati is a low energy food, and the daily serving is about 150g provides about 200 calories. Whole grain Basmati has the lowest glycaemic index (GI), which means that when it is digested it releases the energy slowly keeping blood sugar levels more stable and not giving rise to glucose spikes. Basmati rice being long grain has more amylose than other rice. Amylose makes the digestion slower and do not gelatinize and the particle size remain long in the gut during digestion. Steaming the rice rather than boiling in water has a lower Glycaemic Index  ...

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How much water should you drink a day – by Dr Harold Gunatillake You lose about 10 cups of water every day just living, urinating, sweating, in your breath and you need to compensate that amount. One can assess whether one is dehydrated from the volume of urine pass per day and from the colour. Darker the urine, like the colour of concentrated apple juice, you are less hydrated. Drink sufficient water to keep the urine a lighter and pale in colour, then you have drunk adequate amount. You can assess whether you are dehydrated from your body weight. You lose weight as you lose water. When dehydrated you could pinch your skin, and loses its shine. Using moisture rises in addition to drinking adequate amount keep your skin healthy. To keep your skin healthy you need adequate amount of sleep, too An early sign of dehydration is thirst. Breathing ...

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Cholesterol Has Done A U Turn! by Dr. Harold Gunatillake – Health writer The food that is considered bad and contributing to heart disease are those containing high saturated fats and not cholesterol Cholesterol never did a U turn; it was just misrepresented and misunderstood. 80 per cent of the cholesterol required by the body for its metabolic processes, including making of hormones and for cell membranes and others, are made in the liver. Some cholesterol is made in the lining of the intestines and individual cells in the body. Even if you do not eat cholesterol containing fatty foods, the liver can manufacture for its body needs. ...

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