Staying Hydrated: A Vital Practice – By Amithe Gamage Source : Amithe Gamage linkedin In regions of Asia grappling with scorching heat, maintaining optimal hydration levels is paramount to safeguarding health. Disregarding one’s water intake warrants a moment of reflection. Here are several benefits associated with prioritizing hydration: Hydration: Water is essential for maintaining proper hydration levels in the body. It helps transport nutrients to cells and removes waste products, regulating body temperature and supporting various bodily functions. Healthy skin: Proper hydration keeps your skin moisturized, which can improve its appearance and elasticity. Dehydrated skin is more prone to wrinkles and premature aging. Improved digestion: Water aids in the digestion process by breaking down food and assisting in the absorption of nutrients. It also helps prevent constipation by keeping stools soft and promoting regular bowel movements. Weight management: Drinking water before meals can help reduce calorie intake by making you feel ...

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How much water should you drink a day – by Dr Harold Gunatillake You lose about 10 cups of water every day just living, urinating, sweating, in your breath and you need to compensate that amount. One can assess whether one is dehydrated from the volume of urine pass per day and from the colour. Darker the urine, like the colour of concentrated apple juice, you are less hydrated. Drink sufficient water to keep the urine a lighter and pale in colour, then you have drunk adequate amount. You can assess whether you are dehydrated from your body weight. You lose weight as you lose water. When dehydrated you could pinch your skin, and loses its shine. Using moisture rises in addition to drinking adequate amount keep your skin healthy. To keep your skin healthy you need adequate amount of sleep, too An early sign of dehydration is thirst. Breathing ...

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