Sri Lanka – WHITHER GOES THOU? – By Capt Elmo Jayawardena I plagiarized the title of this article from a Latin quote “Quo Vadis”. It was an immensely popular movie in the 50s starring Robert Taylor and Deborah Kerr.  According to the film, Quo Vadis (Whither Goes Thou) were the words exchanged between God and St Peter.  The first apostle was fleeing from Rome  along the Appian Way to Brindisi to take a boat and escape to Palestine.  Peter went back to Rome where he was crucified.  Today there is a small chapel on that road where Peter turned back. It is called the Church of Domine Quo Vadis. Now you know I admitted I plagiarized. Don’t throw stones at my aeroplane. I have already said my mea culpa. Times have become difficult and often impossible to cope with. Whatever winds blow across our paradise isle, they are all filled ...

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A bankrupt Country craves for urgent ‘system changes’ – By Bernard Fernando ‘’Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future’’— John F. Kennedy Introduction Ever since we became a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by United Nations in 1948,our political and Civil democrats constantly agitated for  ‘Free and Fair Elections’ whenever ‘Elections’ are called. This phrase was based on article 21 (3) of the Declaration which reads as follows. ‘’The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of Government; this Will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.” It may be assumed that the words ‘Free and Fair’ were substitutes for the words ‘Universal’, ‘Genuine’ and ...

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Hold General and Local Govt. Elections on the same day after legalising critical system changes – by Bernard Fernando  It is very heartening to learn that one of the rare ‘Country –first’ Political Professionals in the current Parliament has suggested to hold both Parliamentary and LG Elections on the same day. May be as an economist he wanted to make the budgetary provision of Rs.10 Bln. more meaningful, productive and cost-effective in the face of the dire human and Financial/economic catastrophe that the country is facing as a ‘Bankrupt Nation’. Further, it may to some extent, justify the estimated Rs.72Bln. earmarked to be spent by contesting political parties for Election campaigning while enabling saving of Millions of man hours lost when conducting a laborious country –wide, complex and unrefined Election process that we are saddled with, at present.  Nevertheless, as Sovereign voters we exhort that it is more fundamental to make critical system ...

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