ENOUGH IS ENOUGH by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ Another English Phrase, this time spoken by the present Prime Minister of Great Britain, this time, with much more MEANING than ever before, this time, not only because she faces another “election” in the not too distant future, but because SHE KNOWS that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE before oridinary people in England & everywhere else in the WORLD will be able to live ordinary lives either working or enjoying themselves without the fear of sudden attacks from crazy jihardist TERRORISTS. Yes, we do know that radicalized human beings are “at work” planning all kinds of “surprise attacks” on people EVERYWHERE, nowadays. It does not matter if Madam Theresa May WAS using this last attack in Manchester to politicise the situation, personally, I do not think so, it doesn’t matter what ANYBODY thinks, these attacks are becoming more & more frequent ...

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