The Significance of Bak Full Moon Poya Day in Sri Lanka-by Kalani-eLanka In the heart of Sri Lanka’s rich cultural tapestry lies a day of profound significance – Bak Full Moon Poya Day. Celebrated with deep reverence and spiritual fervor, this sacred day holds a special place in the hearts of Sri Lankans. From its historical roots to its contemporary relevance, the importance of Bak Full Moon Poya Day transcends time, offering invaluable lessons and reflections for all.This year it is on April 23 Rooted in Buddhism, Poya days mark significant milestones in the life of Lord Buddha. Bak Full Moon Poya, occurring in the month of Bak (April-May), commemorates multiple pivotal events in the Buddhist calendar. Chief among them is the second visit of Lord Buddha to Sri Lanka, where he intervened in a conflict between two Naga kings, symbolizing peace and reconciliation. This historic event underscores the day’s ...

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Why We Must Protect Nature: The Urgent Call for Environmental Stewardship – By Nadeeka – eLanka In an era marked by rapid industrialization and technological advancement, the call to protect nature has never been more critical. The delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems is under constant threat from human activities, and it is our responsibility to act as stewards of the environment. In this article, we’ll explore the compelling reasons why we must prioritize the protection of nature. 1. Biodiversity Preservation: Our planet is teeming with diverse forms of life, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest mammals. Biodiversity ensures ecological stability and resilience. When we protect nature, we safeguard countless species from extinction, which, in turn, sustains the web of life on Earth. 2. Climate Change Mitigation: The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are leading contributors to climate change. By protecting natural habitats and promoting sustainable practices, we ...

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