Balanced Diet By Present Day Concept     A diet is all that we consume in a day. And a balanced diet is a diet that containsan adequate quantity of the nutrients that we require in a day. A balanced diet includes six main nutrients, i.e. Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, Fibre, Vitamins,and Minerals. All these nutrients are present in the foods that we eat. By present day definition a balanced diet should include prebiotics and probiotics for the nourishment of the gut microbiota- your internal friends that looks after yourhealth in all respects and aspects. Let us first find out what the cave man ate to be strong, tall robust and fit to hunt for his food. Man is what he eats, goes a famous German saying. So, let us find out what ourstone age people’s delicacies were. Did they have a balanced diet? These old cavemen lived in caves several ...

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