“FACTS OF LIFE” – by Des Kelly  Life is what we make of it. How true is this saying ?. Everything in life is only temporary. NOTHING lasts forever, depressing, as it seems. The crux of the matter is to get the most out of life, and ENJOY every minute of it, while you can. Keith Bennett, my friend seems to think so, and I thank him for various stories he sends me, from time to time. I share these facts of life with my readers, and because I always say, (and write), exactly as I feel, I think it is now time to share some Fun-facts to lighten your day, valued Members and Readers of e’Lanka. Enough said, as I always say, so lets get down to some very interesting short stories, right now. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in- Chief) e’Lanka. Some interesting stories and facts   ...

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