Fr Eugene J Hebert – A life to be remembered.- By Capt Elmo Jayawardena The monument with engraved details of someone stands like a sentinel. It can be seen by anyone entering Batticaloa town from the lakeside. At the Garden Park some faithful followers had erected the statue and painted in colours of haunting old gold. It is to honour a priest who no longer walks this planet due to a senseless incident. The figure is clad in a flowing ankle length robe. The sculpted face is familiar to those who had known him. His signature ghost of a smile is depicted correctly is what anyone who knew him would say. On the left hand, the statue holds a Holy Bible. On the right hand is a basketball, cradled fondly to tell the world the man and the game were synonymous. It whispers in all simplicity whose statue it is ...
Sep 29, 2023
Articles, Capt Elmo Jayawardena
Tagged Batticaloa, Capt Elmo Jayawardena, Fr Eugene J Hebert, Joseph Christie, Sri Lanka