THE CONVERTIBLE CRAZE OF THE 1950s – By HUGH KARUNANAYAKE The Korean boom of 1950/51 which created record disposable incomes within the country, ,elevated standards of living among those who already enjoyed a reasonably comfortable life, but sadly did not have the “trickle down” effect which most Keynesian economists of the day desired. As we all know; the much vaunted “welfare state’ of Ceylon soon began to creak under the weight of welfare costs, and by mid 1953 the government took away one of the keystones of its welfare arch, by withdrawing the free rice rations made available in better times. The Hartal organised by the LSSP on 12 August 1953 led to police action resulting in 9 deaths. It was to be the first significant anti government protest since independence was granted in 1948. The early nineteen fifties was an era yet to be influenced by overseas air travel. ...
Jan 22, 2024
Articles, Hugh Karunanayake
Tagged CADDILAC ELDORADO, Caddillac, glitzy motor cars, trickle down, welfare state