HOPE FOR SRI LANKA (from Charles Schokman) Once again evil forces have raised their ugly heads to unleash mercilessly their vengeance on the innocence  in Sri Lanka, sadly on Easter Sunday, the holiest of days observed  by Christians. We remember all those who have perished, those who are seriously injured and those who mourn the loss of their dear ones and pray that God will be their refuge and strength at this time of their need & grief. We also place in God’s keeping those in authority that they would bring to task the perpetrators and seek to exercise a peaceful solution through its governance, in the interest of all its people,irrespective of class, caste or creed. The recent political differences between the President and Prime minister and the lack of rule may have paved the way for these extremists to grab the opportunity and affectively carry out these atrocities. May all those who are responsible, one ...

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