ASSANGE’S DEHUMANIZATION CONTINUES – BY Joe Van Langenberg   Photo Source:BBC News Hot on the heels of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange been dragged out of the Ecuadorean embassy like a common criminal, the dehumanization & witch-hunt continues, with no signs of abating any time soon. At this point in time, Assange has been sentenced for a period of fifty days in a British prison; for having allegedly breached his bail conditions. His trauma will be unlikely to end, given that the United States is bent on having him extradited to face so-called justice ,for having leaked highly-classified military information, which it claims has been inimical to its national security. Whether this claim like many others, can be given any credence, remains a moot point; considering that Uncle Sam has the uncontrollable propensity to engage in exaggerated rhetoric. ...

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