The mental sickness pandemic!-BY MANDIRA WIJERATHNA Concern about mental health issues is rising during this Coronavirus pandemic. Mental health is not a trivial topic to be cast aside because it is fundamental to every situation in society. The Covid-19 pandemic is engulfing the human race on the one hand and the mental sickness pandemic, on the other. Pandemics leave civilisations devastated with economic crises. Loss of business and loss of lives have become daily catastrophes. The time has come to act and be the best versions of ourselves. Maybe, your mind has already been engulfed by the mental sickness pandemic. But unlike Covid-19, we have the power and ability within ourselves to increase the immunity against it. Therefore, it is worth taking one step at a time to figure out what is happening inside our minds and how to assemble the jumbled puzzle. Human compulsiveness is the carrier of Covid-19. ...

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