Silent Night – the origin of the hymn – by Des Kelly ELanka’s best friend, Cartoonist, Master-Painter and a family-man, Maxwwll Gerreyn has introduced this Christmas Hymn in his own inimitable fashion, so let us now try to find out the origins of a Christmaa Hymn that most of us have been singing from the time we were all only knee-high to the grasshoppers around us. Take it away Max, and thank you. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. A delightful  tale of detection and discovery…I reckon its TRUE The song ‘Silent Night’ is by far the most symbolic of Christmas carols. It is understandable, then, that we might wonder about the origin of such an extraordinary song. To tell the story of its origins we must start at the court of Frederick William of Prussia, the fourth king of that name, just after his ascension to the throne in 1840. ...

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