Getting to know what cinnamon means to Mexico- By Ranjan Hulugalle, San Diego USA Source:Island I met a couple who lives in Mexico City with whom I exchanged greetings on many occasions but never had a conversation. By chance, getting out of the elevator in the building where we both have second homes in Coronado, San Diego, they inquired where I was from. When I replied Las Vegas they were not satisfied and I knew that they were curious about my origins. I told them my parents were from Sri Lanka and I noticed the husband displaying considerable interest. He then told me that he had been to Sri Lanka more than 30 times since 1976. Over the past 50 years living in the US, I have never met anyone who has been to Sri Lanka so many times. I was anxious to arrange to meet him to talk more ...
Nov 26, 2023
Tagged Cinnamon, Mexico City, Mr Merrill J Fernando, Mr Mohan Panditage