Jobs for 100,000 needy people Multipurpose assistants repair a discarded bus at the Horowpothana CTB depot Source:Sundayobserver Progression of the country depends on the knowledge, skills and efficiency of the citizens as a whole as indicated in the Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour manifesto of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. However, being under long termed colonial administration and ruling, the mentality of the majority of the people changed which resulted in unproductive livelihood empowerment seeking the white collared jobs, for sustenance. The traditional lifestyle was abandoned gradually while the children in the affluent and elite class in society received higher education in foreign universities and higher education institutes, to obtain professional qualifications. Today, local universities are mainly designed to produce a large number of Art graduates annually whose only dream is to get absorbed in to the government sector job market whereas a large number of vacancies is available in the private ...

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