“NAVAL NICETIES” – By Des Kelly Having served in the Royal Ceylon Navy myself, so many years ago, it was very heartening, and I felt proud to read this beautiful story, authored, in the first place, by a guy named Dan. Dan, we, at eLanka would have been more than pleased to publish your full name, as we normally do, at eLanka, for any writer whose articles we publish, but since you completed your story, simply signing off as Dan, so be it. This beautiful R,Cy.N. tale comes to all our eLanka readers via two famous Burgher names (so, here we are again, happy as could be, all good friends, and jolly good company), Victor Melder & Maxwell Gerreyn. Thank you both. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) eLanka. A Truly Beautiful Story…by Cmdr Anura Danapala It’s well known that Divers of ...
Feb 1, 2021
Tagged Anura Danapala, Maxwell Gerreyn, Nishantha Balasuriya, Victor Melder