COVISHIELD : How effective is it? Source:Ceylontoday The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is being manufactured locally by the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer. It says it is producing more than 50 million doses a month. The jab is administered in two doses given between four and 12 weeks apart. It can be safely stored at temperatures of 2C to 8C, about the same as a domestic refrigerator, and can be delivered in existing health care settings such as doctors’ surgeries.  The jab developed by Pfizer-BioNTech, which is currently being administered in several countries, must be stored at -70C and can only be moved a limited number of times – a particular challenge in India, where summer temperatures can reach 50C. International clinical trials of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine showed that when people were given a half dose and then a full dose, effectiveness hit 90%. ...

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Positivity is the Key – By Des Kelly & Pfizer & BioNTech Say Early Tests Show Coronavirus Vaccine More Than 90% Effective P  FIZER F  OR I  N Z  OOM E ASY R  EST No prizes offered, for guessing the best PFIZER’s the one, it passes each test !!. Kindly note that the above PFIZER Slogan is copyrighted to eLanka – reproduction requires permission ( PFIZER MAY HAVE IT LET’S GET IN, ON THE SCENE, 90% EFFECTIVE, PROVEN COVID VACCINE, THE FIRST “GOOD NEWS” POST BIDEN ELECTION   AMEN !   The news came out very early this morning, Tuesday 10th. November, 2020, proving that even in another Annus Horribilus, as experienced by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, there is always the hope of at least a skerrick of good news to look forward to. As I always say, Positivity is the Key and to me, Negativity comes in, a bad ...

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