Childhood memories -The summer holidays – By Charmaine Candappa As a child I would always look forward to spending a part of my summer holidays at the home of my aunt, my mom’s sister. My childhood was a happy one, since I got to play with my neighbor and friend Rai. I needed Rai more than she needed me. Rai had many toys and dolls of to play. She also had a bicycle to ride around the compound. I would look over the wall that separated our homes as Rai rode her bike from her garage to her front gate. We too had bikes, but they belonged to my brother Joe. He would not let me ride, as it was his pride and joy. He polished it, oiled its wheels and brakes. My childhood despite not having much toys, books, and a bicycle to ride was a happy one. I ...
Jul 8, 2023
Articles, Charmaine Candappa
Tagged BOOKS, Charmaine Candappa, Childhood, play, toys