THE CLOSENESS OF RESPECT, COURTESY & DISCIPLINE. – By Noor Rahim   Respect is a word that was inculcated into our lives Encompassing mutual regards for each others’ esteem & feelings And as the age old saying goes You have to give respect to get respect in all aspects   It starts off from within the family circles Extending to the elders, friends and acquaintances Be it through greetings, compliments, appreciation or regards Your act should always be one of human feelings for others   Courtesy is synonymous with respect for others Conveying a sense of feeling and sincere understandings It’s an act of being civil, polite and graciousness Remembering that saying of Courtesy begets Courtesy in our lives   But times have really changed from the good old ages Respect for others seem to be on the wane and so it appears And so has courtesy the twin of ...

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Trials and Tribulations of Immigration. – By Noor Rahim There are many personal obstacles that one is confronted with in emigrating from their own Motherland to another country. The cause for such a life changing decision may be due to persecution, necessity, economic reasons or to seek “greener pastures” – be it to seek a new way of life or to blend with the host Nation. Whatever the reason be, one must always keep foremost in mind that we have come to a foreign land to seek refuge/succour, of our own accord. In this context one must think of the times that you entertained someone in your own Homes, as a guest. You would of course welcome with open arms and host them with warmth and throw caution to the wind; in entertaining your guests with much pleasure and aplomb. But would you tolerate your guests imposing on you with ...

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Faith, Hope & Inspiration. – By Noor Rahim Almighty God sent into this mortal world the “Divine Message” of Goodness, Righteousness and Peace through Faith, Hope and Inspiration; and most importantly the Belief in “One God”. This “Message” was conveyed to the peoples through his designated/chosen “Messengers” at various successive periods of time on Mother Earth; to remind us mortals in the concept of “One Supreme God”. It so happens that the “Messages” and “Messengers of God” emanated from one focal point in History, in the Middle East; very soon to spread throughout the Universe and enveloping mankind regardless of caste, colour or creed. The Messages brought down from the Heavens by these “Messengers of the Almighty” were supreme, pristine and full of guidance for the Faithfull. It showed the “Way of Life” in its goodness; and in supplication to the Good Lord by His devotees. The “Message” of Faith, ...

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