The Role of Trees in Human Evolution: A Journey Through Time and Canopy – by Nadeeka – eLanka In the heart of our evolutionary narrative lies an often-overlooked chapter: the pivotal role of trees in shaping the very essence of what it means to be human. Beyond the savannahs and grasslands that dominate our mental images of early human life, trees have quietly woven their branches into the tapestry of our existence. This is the story of our deep and enduring connection with the arboreal world and the profound impact it had on our evolution. The Cradle of Life: Trees as Our Ancestral Home Millions of years ago, our hominid ancestors ventured down from the trees and began to walk on two legs. Yet, the shadows of those ancient branches never truly left us. Evidence suggests that early hominids, like Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus afarensis, retreated to the trees at ...