The Great Cinemas of Colombo – By Malsha – eLanka Colombo, the capital city of Sri Lanka, has a rich history of cinema culture. Over the years, many iconic movie theaters have graced the city, serving as entertainment hubs for generations of movie-goers. Here are some of the great cinemas of Colombo: Regal Cinema: Established in 1930, Regal Cinema is one of the oldest and most iconic cinemas in Colombo. The cinema’s art deco architecture and grand interior make it a landmark in the city. Regal Cinema has a seating capacity of over 1,000 and is known for its premieres of both local and international films. Liberty Cinema: Liberty Cinema is another famous cinema in Colombo, located in the heart of the city. Built in 1952, the cinema’s iconic facade features an intricate lattice design. The cinema has a seating capacity of over 800 and is known for its comfortable ...

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Can you remember the Bioscope days? – By Tilak S. Fernando Ceylon Today Daily-Columns- September 13, 2022   I received this information on the metamorphosis of ‘Colombo cinemas’ sent by a friend based in London. It was a text by a historian, Asiff Hussein. Hussein gives a historical account going back to the ‘tent’ days when the ‘silent’ English movies were shown. He deals with the history of the Colombo cinema, its evolution, and the development of cinema halls in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  According to Asiff Hussein, an Englishman named Warwick Major was the first person to show silent English films in a ‘tent’ at the site of the old Regal theatre grounds. In the early1900s, the movies were called bioscopes. The American Consul for Ceylon, Stillman Eells, wrote to American Motion Pictures in 1931 explaining how a touring ‘Electric Bioscope’ was screened. Those films were shown in various venues ...

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