SUPER CONTAINER SHIPS – By Des Kelly  The “Title” is certainly superb, as far as I am concerned. Thank you, Chris.Lawton, for sending in this “post” regarding these magnificent vessels, always referred to, in the female gender. I still remember the superb little Minesweeper “Vijaya”, presented to The Royal Ceylon Navy, formerly called “Flying Fish” by the British Royal Navy, a Ship, although quite small, was ideally suited for it’s purpose of seeking out mines, covertly placed in Sea-lanes to blow up enemy shipping that were caught unaware. I also remember that although Vijaya, was the one and ONLY SHIP, the R.Cy,N.of my era, boasted, She was rather uncomfortable for the Crew to travel in, was fondly referred to, as a CORK, that could take any Sea, and would not SINK unless of course, the inevitable happened and She was blown up by a bloody mine. ...

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