THE L” BROTHERS” – By Franklin Holsinger The Era of the music scene in the years 1959 onwards became a wonderful time for those who loved music and Lennie and Lucian Silva were two brothers who dedicated their talent to the music industry and were best known as the “L BROTHERS” and it also provided much opportunities to those who had a natural talent to grab the opportunity to perform their trade to lovers of music. St Benedict’s college was the first school to encourage students education system. The college organized an annual singing competition which was open to students of St. Benedict’s college and Good Shepherd Convent which formed a platform for those having any musical ability to grasp the opportunity to showcase their individuality as a contestant in this competition which was titled “THE OUR OWN SHOW” and went on to become one of the biggest talent producing ...

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“MUSIC IS THE KEY” – by Des Kelly While everything else is going on around us, the only thing to help with sanity around the Globe is MUSIC. There is ALWAYS some music playing around, SOMEWHERE. My Mum, bless her soul, was musically minded. She won prizes for singing, while still in School, and was determined to pass on her talents to her eldest Son, me. Very early on, also at School, she wanted me to learn to play piano, which I did try. My piano teacher was a Roman Catholic Nun, and she did try her best, but being a little rebel, right from the start, I was not too wrapped in sitting there playing ‘scales’ day after  boring day. I wanted to play the ukulele, and Mum did have one in a cupboard at home. I never did learn the ‘theory’ of music,which I always later regretted,but my ...

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