KALA KEERTHI VASANTHA OBEYSEKERA MULTIPLE AWARD WINNING FILM SCRIPT WRITER,DIRECTOR IMMORTALIZED REAL LIFE STORIES ON CIMEMATIC SCREENS – by Sunil Thenabadu Image Source : dailynews Kala Keerthi  Vasantha Obeysekera born in year 1937  was stared as one of the foremost film fabricators in the 70s decade who graduated from the University of.Peradeniya in the year 1962. He had served on the Editorial Staff of the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited from 1964 to 1970 in the Dinamina newspaper. In addition to his editorial work, Vasantha Obeysekera wrote several short stories during this period. Vasantha had entered the cinematic industry with Sath Samudura in year 1967 which he co-wrote and worked as the assistant director. The film was selected to the Moscow International Film Festival in Moscow at which was awarded a merit certificate in cinematography by the film authorities of Moscow..It was not long after Vasantha wrote the  script and directed the film ...

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