Salt, how much is too much – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: Transcript: Salt is sodium chloride, the white crystals left over when seawater evaporates. Experts have been arguing about this for decades. One side says everyone needs to cut back on salt and that doing so would substantially reduce heart disease. The other side says universal salt reduction would have little effect on public health and would be a needless deprivation for most people. In Japan, the daily intake is a whopping 26,000 mg (more than 11 teaspoons of salt). But their lifespan seems to be more than in most other countries. How salt affects your blood pressure and health depends on your genes, age, and medical conditions. The human body requires a small amount of sodium to conduct nerve impulses, contract  and relax muscles, and maintain the proper water balance and minerals. It is estimated that we need ...

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