Why do some people drop dead? – By Harold Gunatillake Website www.Doctorharold.com Human nature generally seeks to control the situations we encounter, but death remains something over which we have no control. This frightens many people. Some may attempt to exert some form of control over death by behaving cautiously to avoid risks or undergoing rigorous, frequent health checks. Know what arrhythmic tachycardia is when the heart is desperately stressed. If your pulse is irregular and rapid, get to the closest casualty. Your body is getting starved of blood. This is not a topic we should touch on during the festive season. Still, unfortunately, many people seem to drop dead in Sri Lanka, especially young people, and it is essential to highlight the aetiology and make our people live healthier life. News Wire reports the increase in young people dying due to heart attacks, according to the – Colombo Coroner, ...

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