“TAKEITBACK AIRBAGS” by Des Kelly    Oops, sorry about that. eLanka readers, all, if you notice it, my fraudulent “title” to this story, does contain this “dangerous” tidbit that is a big part of “supposedly-safe” vehicles of our modern World. Takata-Airbags, have the letters “T A K A T A” clearly noticeable in my ” heading”.      Millions of them, from all over the World, have been now recalled. Originating from Japan, there was a time, and I remember it well, when we, in Ceylon received a “gift, made in Japan, we thought of it as a “bonus” because the Japanese always seemed to produce “superior-stuff”, but now, we have to make certain that everything is made in Australia. After all, who would want to install “air-bags” in their cars/vehicles, that explode on impact ? Bad enough that you are in a bloody accident, but then, when shrapnel shoots out ...

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