The Ethnic Issue in Sri Lanka and Fear of Power Devolution – By Oscar E V Fernando Communities in this country consisting of Singhalese, Tamils, Muslims and Burghers that stood together for the cause of independence in the thirties, became estranged and some of the disgruntled, left out shores. What put them apart? History, that is often opinionated with probable views, was the probable cause for parting of ways-and history will not bring rice to the table! Some say this, pointing out to reams of papers-and some say that, by pointing out another set of papers. We may argue and debate this history till the cows come home-but if both sides stick to their guns, it will only end in fisticuffs-or more likely gun battles-for hate will not cease with hatred-only love and forgiveness will conquer! Bowing to the majority views, some left the shores peacefully for greener pastures and ...

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