CandleAid Lanka – A Time To Share The December northerly winds are blowing. People all over the world are planning for Christmas. The ‘Haves’ juggle with multiple choices and the ‘Have nots’ lament in a litany of sadness for Christmas to come and go as fast as possible. The sooner it leaves them the better it is and more tolerable the pain would be. Yes, they breathe a sigh of relief that January has arrived, and the Christmas celebration has floated away from their ‘hard earned’ lives. That is a reality the poor face year in year out. “So, this is Christmas, what have you done?” sang John Lennon. Amidst the grand plans we make, why not think of the birthday we celebrate? Why not figure out a way to give a gift to the Birthday Boy?  No, I am certainly not asking for a donation. I only write to ...

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