Kerrigan La-Brooy – Victorian Premier Champions Award Nominee in the Leadership Category Kerrigan La-Brooy has been Nominated for the “2019 Victorian Premier’s Volunteer Champions Award in the Leadership Category. Out of several Nominees from across the State of Victoria he made the Top 10 in the Category. The Winner will be announced on December 1st this year. we at eLanka are proud to have heard of this great achievement and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for the big announcement. Leadership Awards entail the Following: Leaders are the people that bring others together, that set the path, that can identify a way through to solve an issue, improve a service, or connect the dots. They’re the ones that not only create change, but bring others on the journey with them. Leaders establish, improve and grow a service, engage others and build teams and connections? Perhaps they’re the person who always says ...

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