SUNDAY CHOICE – The Best way to grow old together. – By Charles Schokman Image Source : quotepics You know you’re getting old when you look through your car steering wheel, rather than over it OR when you can no longer cut your own toenails OR when you and your teeth don’t sleep together. In other words, getting old(er) is not for sissies. We are in a war with ageing. The problem with that war on ageing is that it can’t be won. No one ever grows young, we wake up each day one day older – no one avoids this rule – like it or not. An easy question to answer is: what is the worst about growing old? A harder question is, what is best about growing old? Older adults are measured by the word ‘still’ – can I still drive, can I still walk, can I still chew? The good news is that ...

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