“The Certain Nip in the Air” By Noor Rahim
One can feel the nip in the air; as the days are now getting cooler; making it so pleasant to sit outside. The birds appear to have all flown away to warmer climes and the absence of the squirrels is apparent; as it is certain that they are too busy making their nests or abodes to keep the warmth during the foreseen much colder days that appear to be imminent. You do see the bee population extremely busy gathering all the honey they could from whatever flower that remain. Those bountiful, colourful and magnificent creation of Mother Nature is now on the wane. Most of it wilted and withered and the petals lying forlorn on the surround grounds around it. But fret not; as they create compost for the future growth – a magnificent and marvellous concept of Mother Nature to keep the propagation of life; is what it is.
The leaves on the trees too will no doubt follow suit with the dropping of the temperature. One sees the leaves commencing to turn colours. Very soon it will turn out to a kaleidoscope of panoramic colours that will touch our body, soul and mind. Giving most of us the respite from a World full of stress that abounds us in myriad ways. Just to imbibe on the show put up by Mother Natures’ splendour which is so ever present in our daily lives; that surely will alleviate our stress & worries that abounds. But alas! How many of us take the time from our busy lives to marvel at the wonders of Mother Nature; which we are blessed with throughout the year and at absolutely no cost at all?
One must really marvel in sheer amazement at The Almighty’s creations and the resilience of all life on the Planet of ours. We see the Birds; Bees; Creatures; and vegetation go living undaunted by the vagaries of weather and other Nature induced calamities. As human beings we too are a resilient lot; but we are now reeling in the raging pandemic that has befallen us; revealing that we are susceptible to this disease, that have affected our way of life. Unfortunately some have succumbed and yet others have their life style cramped and in disarray. Confined mainly to our abodes; is wherever and what it is. In venturing out we are strictly required to adapt to the concept of “Social Distancing with a Mask worn”, while venturing out. To be stopped at various public places and questioned if we had our vaccinations taken and with a slew of questions being asked pertaining to the Pandemic.
Thus virtually confining one to their homes; unless venturing out to cater to ones needs. How long this will go on is an oft asked question with the answer lying in the Hands of The Almighty. It is only in such times of calamity that most seek answers from The Almighty; and that too by posing the question – “Why God! Why”? Reeks of hypocrisy doesn’t it? And who are we mortals to question The Almighty on His decisions; for He is our Creator and to Him do we belong. In fact is it an awakening to us humans for the requirements to adhere to the tenets of the Spiritual teachings; by way of bringing family togetherness and concern for others. To bring back the necessity of frugal and simple living in comfort and a simplistic way of life-life style, sans luxury and exuberance. Finally to follow and savour the free beauty of life; which is enjoyed in gay abandon, by the animal & plant living on the very Planet we live-in. Sure does make sense when there suddenly appears more time on ones’ hands – doesn’t it? Another worthwhile factor created by the pandemic, it is.
Well in these pandemic times we do remain mostly confined to our homes; spending a lot of quality time with the family and reminiscing of the past and venturing into to seek what lies in the future. The major outlet to seek some solace is viewing the TV and listening to audio devices. But lo & behold what we see and hear most of the time is news of “Gloom & Doom”; and recent times leading up to the 20th of this month would be the throwing of bricks by candidates; at each other – which they think will build a House of Parliament at Parliament Hill in the Capital or another #22 Sussex Drive; with all the bricks and the mud slung at each other. But they have to be cautious in the build, as the lightest rainfall will cause the mud to flow away; and the bricks will just end up being a pile of rubble. However, the common factor or denominator would and will always remain; as how they are going to do a lavish spending of the Tax-payers money. Oh! How I await to listen to someone say how – this is how we will earn the funds to balance the extravaganza of spending that money; instead of asking us tax-payers to drill extra holes in our belts to stomach extra taxes. A bitter pill that may await us after the sugar coat has worn out; and that may lead to the bitterness of the pill; no doubt.
All this gets mind boggling and leads one to think of an old saying – “Like jumping from the frying pan and into the fire”. Exhausted with these thoughts of facts of negative impression will exhaust one and lull you to sleep. But sleep will not come easy with such thoughts. So please read this article and I am sure it will give you the sleep you require; for tomorrow is another day to mull over the future and pray for the best. If you feel selfish you can always say – “Each for themselves and God for us all”. But a great Spiritual Faith has it as: “Peace on Earth; and goodwill to all Mankind”.
But one must remember that we certainly are our own enemy; and remember a verse in The Bible, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”; which is certainly a saying that is advocated by the other Spiritual Faiths too. So stay safe; keep well and God Bless you all dear readers.
Noor Rahim
September 13 2021