The Four Points of the Compass. – By Noor Rahim

The Four Points of the Compass. – By Noor Rahim



North; South; East & West

Are just directions on a map or the Atlas

But to the Human Beings living

It should not invoke a feeling

That one is better than the rest

But to live in Harmony & Trust

Cultivating the concept of Peaceful Living

With the blending of Race; Culture and Understanding

Rather than trying to prove who is the best

For this invokes jealousies and contempt

Much to the deterrent of the living

And the creation of Animosity among all beings

There’s nothing to say who the Best is

For the Good Lord made us equal to the test

But Humans got lured into the ways of greed & segregation so sadly

That we lost the sense of equality and peaceful living

Noor Rahim

September 05, 2015

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