THE RESURRECTION – By Charles Schokman

THE RESURRECTION – By Charles Schokman

We hold so close to our hearts the cross where Jesus died 
But so much more than the blood-stained cross is that Jesus came back to life.

The stone’s been rolled away, the tomb lay open and bare.
They looked for Him, and then the angel said that He is no longer here

Oh what joy they must have felt to see Him just once more
To eat with Him, to drink with Him, to receive Him back as Lord.
So much did He accomplish through His death upon the cross 
And in His rising from the dead   He reconciled us back to God.

Nothing else could bridge the gap that sin had wrenched apart   
Now we can freely go to God and receive Christ in our hearts.

By M.S.Lownde

He is Risen!  Hallelujah!  He is Risen indeed!

Have a great day celebrating Christ’s Resurrection

with your family and friends.

Because He lives we can face tomorrow.

Pray this hymn will be a Blessing to you

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