underground mines in Sri Lanka – By Malsha – eLanka

underground mines in Sri Lanka – By Malsha – eLanka


There are no active underground mines in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has a few mineral resources such as graphite, mineral sands, and phosphate, but these are mostly extracted through open pit mining. Graphite mining is the most significant mineral extraction industry in Sri Lanka, and it is predominantly carried out in open pit mines.

There were some reports of a potential underground copper mine in the north-central part of Sri Lanka, but this project has not yet been realized. Additionally, there are historical records of underground gem mining in Sri Lanka, but this activity is no longer practiced due to safety concerns and legal restrictions.

It is worth noting that Sri Lanka has a history of small-scale artisanal mining activities carried out by individuals or small groups, but these operations are not considered proper underground mines.

There are no active underground mines in Sri Lanka. However, there have been some past explorations for underground mining in Sri Lanka.

One such exploration was for a potential copper mine in the north-central region of the country. This area is located in the Anuradhapura district, specifically in the vicinity of Seruwila, where copper mineralization was reported in the early 20th century.

There are also some historical records of underground gem mining in Sri Lanka, particularly for sapphires and rubies. However, these activities are no longer carried out due to safety concerns and legal restrictions. The most famous gem mining areas in Sri Lanka are in Ratnapura, Elahera, and Balangoda, but as I mentioned, these are mostly open-pit mines.

There have been no recent underground mine accidents in Sri Lanka because there are no active underground mines. However, there have been accidents related to open-pit mining activities in Sri Lanka, such as landslides, collapses, and equipment failures. These accidents can result in injuries, fatalities, and damage to the environment.

In general, it is crucial for mining companies to prioritize safety in their operations and implement appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents. It is also important for government regulators to enforce safety regulations and hold companies accountable for any safety violations. Miners must receive proper training and equipment to ensure their safety while working in mines. By prioritizing safety, mining operations can minimize the risks associated with mining activities and prevent accidents.

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