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- Constitutional Reform and Crisis in Sri Lanka edited by Asanga Welikala, 2019
- Sri Lanka: The Recent Past, Brief Essays in History & Politics by Prf. K. M. de Silva, 2018
- Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Prof. K. M. de Silva, 2015
- Sri Lanka: Come Wind, Come Weather. A Political History of Sri Lanka Since Independence in Narrative Form, Vol 1,2015,by Prof. K. M. de
- Sri Lanka: Come Wind, Come Weather. A Political History of Sri Lanka Since Independence in Narrative Form, Vol 2,2016,by Prof. K. M. de
- A Field Guide to the Bats of Sri Lanka by Wipula Bandara Yapa, 2017.
- The Kandy Asala Maha Perahera by Lorna Dewaraja, 2018.
- The ‘Traditional Homelands’ of the Tamils. Separatist Ideology in Sri Lanka: A Historical Appraisal, by Prof K. M. de Silva, 2013.
- The Odyssey & Living Legacy of sieur de La Nerolle. The French Lieutenant of the Expedition Escadre de Perse to Ceylon in 1672 by Yasmin
Rajapakse, 2018.
(No’s 1 – 9, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic)
- Marian Epic, Tewatta’s Fulfilment. The Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka, February 6, 1974.
- The Enchanted Circle, A Sri Lankan Memoir of the Rosary by Manny Candappa, 1997
- The Palm of His Hand, by E. C. T. Candappa, 2003
- Parish Hymnal, St Mary’s Church, Dehiwela, Sri Lanka, 1991.
- ‘Sing Every Song’ – Bi lingual Song Book, Sri Lanka, 2001
- Sri Lanka’s Secrets. How the Rajapaksha Regime Gets Away With Murder by Trevor Grant, 2014.
- Journey for Justice, The Life & Work of Rev. Fr Michael Rodrigo, OMI by Nandini Gunewardena, 2017.
- Ceylon, Historical Sketch & Guide by The Ceylon Publicity Committee.
- The Power of Good People, Surviving Sri Lanka’s Civil War, by Para Paheer & Alison Corke, 2017.
- Symbols of Conflict, A Novel by Cedric Forster, 1989
- Emergency ’58, The Story of the Ceylon Race Riots by Tarzie Vittachi, 1958
- Tenth Parliament of Sri Lanka, compiled and edited by W. G. Goonerathne & R. S. Karynarathne, 1989
- Parliament of Sri Lanka – Lake House, Colombo
- The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The British Period, Vol 1, 1795 – 1844, The Colombo Vicariate, by Fr. V. Perniola, SJ, 1992.
- Reflections – Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc, Foundation & Journey, 1973 – 2012 (Facsimile)
- A History of the Southern Vicariate of Colombo, Sri Lanka, being also, The History of the Apostolate of the Sylvestrine-Benedictine Monks in the
Island, by Dom Bede Barcutta, OSB, 1991.
(No’s 10 – 25, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)
- A Concise History of Ceylon, From the Earliest Times to the Arrival of the Portuguese in 1505, by Nicholas & Paranavitana, 1961.
- Essays in Railroading by Udaya Peeligama, 2016.
- Essays on Ceylon Railways (1864 – 1964), by Hemasiri Fernando, 2017.
- Tales of the Blue Elephant, Life & Times with the Ceylon Police by Douglas Ranmuthugala, 2000.
- Symbols of Conflict, A Novel by Cedric Forster, 1989.
- Birdsong & Other Tales by Carl Muller, 2000.
- Crosscurrents, Sri Lanka & Australia at Cricket by Michael Roberts & Alfred James, 1998.
- Aspects of Sinhala Folklore by J. B. Disanayaka, 2004.
- Best Loved Folk Tales of Sri Lanka by Manel Ratnatunga, 1999.
- Evolution & Development of Water & Soil Conservation Ecosystems from Ancient Dry Zone Forest Garden to Modern Jaffna Market Garden by
- L. O. Mendis, 2001.
- WTO, Globalization & Eppawala after Seattle, edited by D. L. O. Mendis, 2000.
- Pugwash, Globalization & Eppawala – Pugwash Betrayed ? or Eppawala Betrayed ? by D. L. O. Mendis, 2000.
- History of Kingship in Ceylon, up to the Fourth Century AD, by Tilak Hettiarachchy, 1972.
- Guide to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), by H. A. J. Hulugalle, 1973
- Ceremonial Dances of the Sinhalese, An Inquiry into Sinhalese Folk Religion, by Otaker Pertold, 1973.
- Wild Ceylon, Describing in Particular the Lives of the Present-Day Veddas, by R. L. Spittel1951.
- Ceylon, A General Description of the Island & Its Inhabitants, by Henry Marshall, 1969.
- Water Heritage of Sri Lanka by D. L. O. Mendis, 2002
- Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 1, 1971.
- Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 2, 1972.
- Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 3, 1973.
- A History of Sri Lanka, by Prof . K. M. de Silva, 2005.
- Bronzes From Ceylon Chiefly in the Colombo Museum, Series A, Mo 1, by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1914
- Rail 2000, Sri Lanka Railway, 1864 – 2000 by Priyal de Silva, 2000.
- Innovation & Self – Reliance, Kulasinghe Felicitation Volume, History of Engineering in Sri Lanka, Vol 2, Part 1, by D. L. O. Mendis, 2001.
- Celebrations – Fifty Years of Sri Lanka Interactions, edited by C. A. & I. H. vanden Driesen,
- Art of the Ancient Sinhalese, by Senarat Paranavitana, 1971.
- The Story of Sigiri, by Senarat Paranavitana, 1972.
- Island of Light, Buddhism in Sri Lanka by T. Y. Lee, 2010.
- The Light of Asia, by Sir Edwin Arnold, 1994.
- The Story of Sinhalese Painting, by D. B. Dhanapala, 1957.
- Stories from the History of Ceylon, Book 1, by Marie Musaeus-Higgins, 1997.
- Railways of Sri Lanka, by David Hyatt, 2000
- Early Prints of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1800 – 1900, by R. K. de Silva, 1985.
- Ridma Rekha, A collection of deco-motifs based on traditional style. Decorative Motiffs by Jayasiri Semage, 1996.
- Lost Cities of Asia, by Wim Swaan, 1976.
- Water For People & Nature, Arumugam Commemoration Volume, Sri Lanka Water Heritage, History of Water Conservation, Vol 2, by Bhadra
Kamaladasa, 2003
(No’s 26 – 62, donated by Mrs Srimathie de Zoysa, Glen Waverley (Her late Husband, Nihal de Zoysa’s Collection)
- Lanka Railway Digest, Ten Issues from Vol 1, Issue 2 to Vol 6, Issue 1 (assorted)
(No 1, donated by Mrs Srimathie de Zoysa, Glen Waverley (Her late Husband, Nihal de Zoysa’s Collection)
- ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 3, May 2019.
- ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 4, June 2019.
- ‘Lankan Isle’, A Collector’s Digest, Vol 2, No 2, April – June 2019
(No’s 1 – 3, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic)
- ‘The Ceylankan’ -Journals of the Ceylon Society of Australia, Journal 68 to 85, inclusive.
(No 4, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)
- ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 4, June 2019.
- ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 5, July 2019.
(No’s 6 – 7, donated by Shenon Fernando, Roxburgh Park, Vic)
- Large selection of assorted Newsletters – Australia / Sri Lanka Welfare Guild Inc, Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc, Eighty Club Melbourne
(No’s 1, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)
- Newsletter – Eighty Club Melbourne Inc, 2nd Edition, July – October 2019, Newsletter No 149.
- Newsletter – Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc (CWO), Vol 37, Issue No 2
- “Silverscene” – Newsletter, Silver Fawn Club Inc, Qld, Issue: July / August 2019
- Newsletter – Burgher Welfare League of WA Inc, Vol 30.1, July 2019.
- :Outreach: Newsletter – Voluntary Outreach Club Inc, July 2019.
- Souvenir, “Off the Beaten Tack 2019”, CDF Transport Annual Ball
(No 1, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic