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Victor Meldor


                               ACQUISITIONS   FOR  THE  MONTH  OF  JULY  2019


  1. Constitutional Reform and Crisis in Sri Lanka edited by Asanga Welikala, 2019
  2. Sri Lanka: The Recent Past, Brief Essays in History & Politics by Prf. K. M. de Silva, 2018
  3. Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies in South and Southeast Asia, edited by Prof. K. M. de Silva, 2015
  4. Sri Lanka: Come Wind, Come Weather. A Political History of Sri Lanka Since Independence in Narrative Form, Vol 1,2015,by Prof. K. M. de


  1. Sri Lanka: Come Wind, Come Weather. A Political History of Sri Lanka Since Independence in Narrative Form, Vol 2,2016,by Prof. K. M. de


  1. A Field Guide to the Bats of Sri Lanka by Wipula Bandara Yapa, 2017.
  2. The Kandy Asala Maha Perahera by Lorna Dewaraja, 2018.
  3. The ‘Traditional Homelands’ of the Tamils. Separatist Ideology in Sri Lanka: A Historical Appraisal, by Prof K. M. de Silva, 2013.
  4. The Odyssey & Living Legacy of sieur de La Nerolle. The French Lieutenant of the Expedition Escadre de Perse to Ceylon in 1672 by Yasmin 

    Rajapakse, 2018.

      (No’s 1 – 9, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic)

  1. Marian Epic, Tewatta’s Fulfilment. The Dedication of the Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka, February 6, 1974.
  2. The Enchanted Circle, A Sri Lankan Memoir of the Rosary by Manny Candappa, 1997
  3. The Palm of His Hand, by E. C. T. Candappa, 2003
  4. Parish Hymnal, St Mary’s Church, Dehiwela, Sri Lanka, 1991.
  5. ‘Sing Every Song’ – Bi lingual Song Book, Sri Lanka, 2001
  6.  Sri Lanka’s Secrets. How the Rajapaksha Regime Gets Away With Murder by Trevor Grant, 2014.
  7. Journey for Justice, The Life & Work of Rev. Fr Michael Rodrigo, OMI  by Nandini Gunewardena, 2017.
  8. Ceylon, Historical Sketch & Guide by The Ceylon Publicity Committee.
  9.  The Power of Good People, Surviving Sri Lanka’s Civil War, by Para Paheer & Alison Corke, 2017.
  10.  Symbols of Conflict, A Novel by Cedric Forster, 1989
  11. Emergency ’58, The Story of the Ceylon Race Riots by Tarzie Vittachi, 1958
  12. Tenth Parliament of Sri Lanka, compiled and edited by W. G. Goonerathne & R. S. Karynarathne, 1989
  13. Parliament of Sri Lanka – Lake House, Colombo
  14. The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, The British Period, Vol 1, 1795 – 1844, The Colombo Vicariate, by Fr. V. Perniola, SJ, 1992.
  15. Reflections – Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc, Foundation & Journey, 1973 – 2012 (Facsimile) 
  16. A History of the Southern Vicariate of Colombo, Sri Lanka, being also, The History of the Apostolate of the Sylvestrine-Benedictine Monks in the

     Island, by Dom Bede Barcutta, OSB, 1991.

               (No’s 10 – 25, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)

  1. A Concise History of Ceylon, From the Earliest Times to the Arrival of the Portuguese in 1505, by Nicholas & Paranavitana, 1961.
  2. Essays in Railroading by Udaya Peeligama, 2016.
  3. Essays on Ceylon Railways (1864 – 1964), by Hemasiri Fernando, 2017.
  4.  Tales of the Blue Elephant, Life & Times with the Ceylon Police by Douglas Ranmuthugala, 2000.
  5.  Symbols of Conflict, A Novel by Cedric Forster, 1989.
  6.  Birdsong & Other Tales by Carl Muller, 2000.
  7.  Crosscurrents, Sri Lanka & Australia at Cricket by Michael Roberts & Alfred James, 1998.
  8.  Aspects of Sinhala Folklore by J. B. Disanayaka, 2004.
  9.  Best Loved Folk Tales of Sri Lanka by Manel Ratnatunga, 1999.
  10.  Evolution & Development of Water & Soil Conservation Ecosystems from Ancient Dry Zone Forest Garden to Modern Jaffna Market Garden by 
  11. L. O. Mendis, 2001.
  12. WTO, Globalization & Eppawala after Seattle, edited by D. L. O. Mendis, 2000.
  13.  Pugwash, Globalization & Eppawala – Pugwash Betrayed ? or Eppawala Betrayed ? by D. L. O. Mendis, 2000.
  14. History of Kingship in Ceylon, up to the Fourth Century AD, by Tilak Hettiarachchy, 1972.
  15.  Guide to Ceylon (Sri Lanka), by H. A. J. Hulugalle, 1973
  16. Ceremonial Dances of the Sinhalese, An Inquiry into Sinhalese Folk Religion, by Otaker Pertold, 1973.
  17.  Wild Ceylon, Describing in Particular the Lives of the Present-Day Veddas, by R. L. Spittel1951.
  18.  Ceylon, A General Description of the Island & Its Inhabitants, by Henry Marshall, 1969.
  19.   Water Heritage of Sri Lanka by D. L. O. Mendis, 2002
  20. Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 1, 1971.
  21.   Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 2, 1972.
  22. Village Folk Tales of Ceylon, collects and translated by H. Parker, Vol 3, 1973.
  23. A History of Sri Lanka, by Prof . K. M. de Silva, 2005.
  24. Bronzes From Ceylon Chiefly in the Colombo Museum, Series A, Mo 1, by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1914
  25. Rail 2000, Sri Lanka Railway, 1864 – 2000 by Priyal de Silva, 2000.
  26.  Innovation & Self – Reliance, Kulasinghe Felicitation Volume, History of Engineering in Sri Lanka, Vol 2, Part 1, by D. L. O. Mendis, 2001.
  27. Celebrations – Fifty Years of Sri Lanka Interactions, edited by C. A. & I. H. vanden Driesen,
  28. Art of the Ancient Sinhalese, by Senarat Paranavitana, 1971.
  29. The Story of Sigiri, by Senarat Paranavitana, 1972.
  30. Island of Light, Buddhism in Sri Lanka by T. Y. Lee, 2010.
  31. The Light of Asia, by Sir Edwin Arnold, 1994.
  32. The Story of Sinhalese Painting, by D. B. Dhanapala, 1957.
  33. Stories from the History of Ceylon, Book 1, by Marie Musaeus-Higgins, 1997.
  34. Railways of Sri Lanka, by David Hyatt, 2000
  35. Early Prints of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 1800 – 1900, by R. K. de Silva, 1985.
  36. Ridma Rekha, A collection of deco-motifs based on traditional style. Decorative Motiffs by Jayasiri Semage, 1996.
  37. Lost Cities of Asia, by Wim Swaan, 1976.
  38. Water For People & Nature, Arumugam Commemoration Volume, Sri Lanka Water Heritage, History of Water Conservation, Vol 2, by Bhadra

            Kamaladasa, 2003

              (No’s 26 – 62, donated by Mrs Srimathie de Zoysa, Glen Waverley (Her late Husband, Nihal de Zoysa’s Collection)           


  1. Lanka Railway Digest, Ten Issues from Vol 1, Issue 2 to Vol 6, Issue 1 (assorted)

 (No 1, donated by Mrs Srimathie de Zoysa, Glen Waverley (Her late Husband, Nihal de Zoysa’s Collection)

  1. ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 3, May 2019.
  • ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 4, June 2019.
  • ‘Lankan Isle’, A Collector’s Digest, Vol 2, No 2, April – June 2019 

  (No’s 1 – 3, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic)

  • ‘The Ceylankan’ -Journals of the Ceylon Society of Australia, Journal 68 to 85, inclusive.

  (No 4, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)

  • ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 4, June 2019.
  • ‘Serendib’, The In Flight Magazine of Sri Lankan Airlines, Vol 39, No 5, July 2019.

  (No’s 6 – 7, donated by Shenon Fernando, Roxburgh Park, Vic)


  1. Large selection of assorted Newsletters – Australia / Sri Lanka Welfare Guild Inc, Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc, Eighty Club Melbourne 


            (No’s 1, donated by Clair Herft, Glen Waverley, Vic)

  1. Newsletter – Eighty Club Melbourne Inc, 2nd Edition, July – October 2019, Newsletter No 149.
  2. Newsletter  – Ceylonese Welfare Organisation Inc (CWO), Vol 37, Issue No 2
  3. “Silverscene” – Newsletter, Silver Fawn Club Inc, Qld, Issue: July / August 2019
  4. Newsletter – Burgher Welfare League of WA Inc, Vol 30.1, July 2019.
  5. :Outreach: Newsletter – Voluntary Outreach Club Inc, July 2019.


  1. Souvenir, “Off the Beaten Tack 2019”, CDF Transport Annual Ball
    (No 1, donated by Hemal Gurusinghe, Chelsea Heights, Vic

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