For Lanka’s Future and Serenity: Skanda’s Appeal from the Heights of Haputale Somasundaram Skandakumar …. with highlighting emphasis imposed by The Editor, Thuppahi A path to prosperity for Sri Lanka will ONLY evolve when the majority community that so passionately talks about Buddhism have it in them to abide by Lord Buddha’s profound teaching, in their hearts, minds and in Public. It was the Lord who wished for ALL beings to be happy. It was the same Lord who said that when ALL beings are happy, nature will smile on the Country and prosperity will be assured from the ensuing blessings. Source:Thuppahis It’s the people who are sovereign and it’s in their hands to bring that prosperity to themselves. To leave it to the Politicians is to fight for ones rights. To entrust it to the People is to respect each other and their individual rights. There lies the crucial difference but ...