walking reverses type 2 diabetes. With the compliments of Dr.Harold Gunatillake

walking reverses type 2 diabetes. With the compliments of Dr.Harold Gunatillake


Harold-GunethilakeThank you for sharing your information. I walk daily for about 4 hours, which amounts to 32,000 steps and 20 kilometres. On average, I take 35,000 steps each day. This habit has helped me reverse my type 2 diabetes, and I no longer require insulin.

If you have type 2 diabetes, taking antidiabetic medication and adopting a low glycemic index (GI) diet can be helpful. You should aim to convert your insulin resistance into insulin sensitivity, and your pancreas is always prepared for that change. Walking for over 4 hours daily, like I do, can be the ultimate solution for all type 2 diabetics. At 95 years old, I still have a clear brain. If you visit my website, you will see what walking has done for me.www.Doctorharold.com

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