A Relay Begins….by Sinhala Association of Queensland

A Relay Begins….by Sinhala Association of Queensland

A Relay Begins….by Sinhala Association of Queensland

Source:Brisbane 4EB Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – August 2021

Encouraged by the sharing at Sinhala Association of Queensland (SAQ) AGM 2021 of the youthful aspirations to deepen their connection with the rest of the Sri Lankan community, and the articulation of a strategy to make that wish a reality during a recent program of the Sri Lankan Group of Radio 4EB, the first ever formal intergenerational activity between SAQ Seniors and SAQ Youth – Poson Bhakthi Gee Gayana was organised to be held during SAQ Seniors’
June monthly meeting.

Having experience in public performance, SAQ Youth took it in their stride to prepare for the event despite rising exam fever in the background. It was a preparation worth its while for the joy the singing provided to both the youthful singers and their listeners – singing in unison. Communal singing, the shared lunch hosted by Seniors and the lively conversation over dessert and cups of tea, cemented a connection between SAQ Seniors and SAQ Youth. As invisible hands of the young and the old touched a baton that was ready to be passed on, a race has begun, towards a heartfelt heritage through community connection.
SAQ Seniors and SAQ Youth are services provided by SAQ.
Sinhala Association of Queensland
Below is the link to a Medley sung by the Youth Group

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