Aftermath of the Festive Season. – By Noor Rahim

Aftermath of the Festive Season. – By Noor Rahim

Festive Season

NOOR R. RAHIMAlas! The festive season is now a thing of the past – a month to be precise. However, there remains the anticipated reminder for some; when the bills start rolling in. In a month which is known popularly as “The Bottle Selling Month” in Sri Lankan circles.

Now that the festive season has passed by, with most of us having rejoiced and partaken in the festivities that is the traditional way with most of us. The time has come to take stock of our memories and track down the cost of such extravaganzas.

Yes! It is a time of giving is what they say; and we (most of us that is) went to the extent of indulging in materialistic expenditure, with spiritual expenditure taking somewhat a back seat. But it is indeed an old tradition of “Gift Exchanging” that we so looked forward to and participated with much gusto and gay abandon. Spurred on to expenses incurred that have been made so easy by the use of the “plastic card” without much thoughtful limitation to the “Buy now: Pay later” concept; perhaps with the thought of “Eat; Drink; and Be Merry for tomorrow we die”. The translation into the Singhalese Language popularly known as “Kappanglah; Beepanglah; Jollikorapanglah. Heta Marunoth Hithata Sappai; Adha Jollikaralah” – to quote the popular ditty/song that is often chanted and sung at Sri Lankan parties and impromptu get-togethers; especially after the imbibing of the “spiritual” nectar. Expenses incurred, no doubt, having thrown caution to the wind in the old saying of “Cut your coat according to the cloth”.

However! With the popular saying that “Christmas comes only once a year” (one wonders if this saying is a commercially touted rhetoric); the effect surely is one of commercial value, rather than wholly of spiritual value.

However materialistic expenditure will always remain a constant factor in the “Spirit of Giving”; and requires much prudence. Such gifts whether small or large; expensive or less expensive – does it really matter? Or is it an egoistic requirement? For it is said it is “The thought that matters”.

Digressing a bit, but within the season of festivities, one is reminded of the vain who think that no celebrations are complete without the addition of a “live” tree to adorn their living room with the gifts stacked under it. The Suppliers are quite quick to their demands and cater to their vain cravings, by felling trees that are only a few years old. Of course they’ll tell us that they re-plant where they chopped these trees down. No doubt it gives a “glow and warm” feeling in the “living rooms” with a tree “au naturel”; with all its beautiful décor, trimmings and lights do look very pleasing and satisfying to the beholder. The question arises – cannot an artificial tree do the same? The downside of the vain effort is that in 3 to 4 weeks this nature’s gift to mankind will lie stripped of its décor, on the curbside to be picked up by the Garbage Truck. What a waste of an “extremely” young and healthy tree. The God given gift to mankind – free of charge. It’s akin to killing a baby and saying we have planted another one to make-up for the felling of the “felled one”.

Having said all this, one has to look at the brighter side of the spectrum. Yes! the season does augur that feeling of togetherness “in toto” among all family and friends; and of course the many long lost or “out of sight or distance” kith & kin and friends who happen to live so far and apart. The primary role in the Festive Season should be in remembrances and supplications to the Good Lord and creator of one of the leading Faiths in the World today; that spread the message of Goodwill and Peace among the Human Race.

So come next time at the Festive Season; please remember these noticeable findings – won’t you? The spirit of any Religious Festive season must not be on such a restricted period of time. The spirituality must always prevail throughout our life styles. It is only then that we could live in Peace & Harmony, in a World that is fast heading towards disharmony, wanton destruction and moral decay.

May saner counsel, goodwill and peace always prevail – no matter which Faith is your belief. For all Faiths do constantly preach and spread goodness in all aspects of life, without caste or creed or even the religion you follow.

The “festive Season” no doubt is a tradition and custom from the days of yore – it is and always will be. A season to remember family and friends (not forgetting the needy) and to show solidarity to a Faith; that always need to be venerated & rejoiced.

However, one must be reminded of the age old saying of – “Too much of anything is good for nothing” in the materialistic sense; and never enough in the “spiritual” sense.  


Noor Rahim

January 19 2018

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