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Voice.Print in concert from Sri Lanka (in Sydney) Fundraiser for Sinhalese Cultural Forum of NSW Inc. Voice.Print from Sri Lanka in Concert (in Sydney) An All male vocal group with over 10 years of existence in the local and international music scene. The Acapella music group embodies everything that modern day artists are all about. Diverse creativity, a sense of freedom, expression & Style, a slice attitude and undeniable wit.  Represented Sri Lanka in the World Choir games, Silver Award winner for pop category Voice.Print proudly Sri Lankan. on 11th February 2018 from 6.30pm onwards at the Bowman Hall Contact Saliya 0452 231 383 : Eranga 0401 919 237  Ticket $50 (reserved front), $30 (Standard) ...

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70th National Independence Day Celebrations – at the Great Hall, The University of Sydney – Video by Dr Harold Gunatillake Click on the Images below to view each page of the Programme   ...

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“SHINE ON, VICTOR” by Des Kelly Victor Melder, the name “jumps out” to all Lankans in Australia, simply because there aren’t too many of our  Lankan/Aussies, especially in Melbourne who haven’t been helped, in one way, or another, by the man with the Sri Lankan Library who lives in Broadmeadows.       Victor has been duly recognised by the City of Melbourne as a  “walking encyclopedia” on all things Sri Lankan. At his “home-library”, Victor is in the process of finding out that there is hardly any room, at the moment, for any more copies of the “Ceylon Observer”  or the “Times of Ceylon”, Newspapers that no doubt, he will remember. “Well, maybe a couple of copies of each”, he says, “but no more, thanks”       Victor Melder was also a C.G.R. man, special Lankan folk who loved trains, steam-engines, I will never forget the ride on one of ...

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“THIS DOG SAVED MY LIFE” by Des Kelly “THIS DOG SAVED MY LIFE” Was the original “title” of this “true story” sent to me today, the 4th of February, 2018, by another good friend, Charles Schokman, which gave me another idea for eLanka. If, & when I receive anything (like this),  from all you Lankan/ Aussies, or anyone else, for that matter, and I feel that my readers will gain some benefit from it, I intend to get it on eLanka as soon as possible, after first giving credit where credit is due, in this case, also the young lady (I presume) who wrote the simple, but true poem  about “Man’s best friend” Janyce Cotterill, News Channel 4, obviously British, Andy, the homeless person, and last, but certainly, not least, Bailey, his dog. Brings to mind, the sad, sometimes hopeless plight of all homeless people, everywhere in the World. Various circumstances ...

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Singapore becomes part of runner’s World Peace Marathon as Suresh Joachim aims to run in for his World Peace Marathon Source: Straits Ttmes – Singapore Ambitious Suresh Joachim set off from Little India on Friday (Feb 2) in his bid to break yet another world record as he made Singapore the 16th of the 72 countries he aims to run in for his World Peace Marathon. The 49-year-old, who claims to have already set 69 Guinness world records, plans to set two more in 2018: the most money raised by a charity run, and the most film stars met in one year. He aims to raise $1 billion Canadian dollars (S$1.07 billion) and meet 500 film stars. So far, he has raised $10,040 Canadian dollars and has yet to meet a movie star. Mr Joachim – who holds citizenship in Sri Lanka, Australia and Canada – started his 21.1km half-marathon ...

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“READ ALL ABOUT IT”! by Des Kelly “Read all about it, for, the more one delves, We help each other, to help ourselves”  D.K. Over the years, I have read thousands of them. More clever quotes from clever people. Some of them easy to understand, others quite difficult to comprehend, still, each & every one of them has been written, after much thought, on the part of the writer. The one above is my own, for eLanka. I was lucky, in many ways, shapes & forms, but the luckiest “gifts”  from the Almighty to the humblest of his servants (this writer), has been firstly, the innate love of “Reading”. This “love-affair” is spontaneous, unheralded, and to those like myself, started very early in life.  I remember it well. Starting school at the Convent of Our Lady of Victories, in Moratuwa, Ceylon, as soon as I turned five years of age, I ...

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“FAKE NEWS, TWITTER TWITTER” by Desmond Kelly Source: ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA Un, is on the bottom rung. his song has been sung. Whatever that song is, I really don’t know, however, there IS a Lankan song by the name of “Modayata KIM-ber Rutherung”, a “golden-oldie” which I hope to “record” shortly, in order to help the poor  North Korean Leader replace his squandered “slush-fund”.(explanation : Foolish-Un-Kim).  I am given to understand (via Fake-News), that this Kim has squandered all his Country’s money. What was “won” is all “lost” now. I feel truly sorry for him,(fake news)!. No more “rockets” to fire, not even any more “buttons” to help keep his trousers up, nothing much to see, anyway. He has been “Flushing down” the “Slushing funds’, with “Crushing regularity”& is “Blushing now”, to boot. If it wasn’t so serious, it would be a truly comic scenario. While, in America, we have a President who ...

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“MONKEY-CLONES” by Des Kelly What a good idea. Folks, let us “clone” all the flora & fauna, now close to extinction, but Human-Clones ?, let us leave them severely alone, we have too many “humans” on this Planet right now, anyway. This is why, in the not too distant future, there may well be a “Cross-Breed” of Humans and Martians, so what should we call them ? . My choice would be “Marmen”. Just think about it. We do need many more of the recently cloned cute monkeys. They are much cleverer anyway, because I do remember “our monkeys” in Ceylon (as I remember her), apeing (forgive the pun) us, humans, in many ways, grabbing food or anything else they could handle, & one particular Rhesus monkey, stealing a toothbrush from our bathroom, sitting on top of an almirah, where we couldn’t get him & brushing his teeth for all ...

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